Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Features a Murderous Tamagotchi

Ever since the game’s announcement, Activision and Infinity Ward have emphasised the gritty realism of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The game’s story campaign is said to be the most serious and brutal ever for the franchise. Meanwhile, even the multiplayer has less of an arcade style, with highly realistic gunplay. However, it seems that players will still have access to some… quirkier options when it comes to customisation options. Namely, a wristwatch called the ‘TomaGUNchi,’ which is apparently a Tamagotchi that ‘feeds on kills.’

TomaGUNchi: The Bizarre and Murderous Modern Warfare Tamagotchi

This strange little feature in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was mentioned during a recent interview that Art Director Joel Emslie did with The Daily Star. Among the various items which players can customise for their characters are wristwatches; admittedly one of the only visible parts of your character while playing in first-person. According to Emslie; “The wristwatches we have in the game… people have really picked up on that, and they’re curious to know more about how things are going to be developed with that. We’re taking wristwatches to weird places, too. For example, we’ve got one we call the TomaGUNchi – it’s a Tamagotchi that feeds on kills.”

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Tamagotchi TomaGUNchi

However, if you’re worried that this could be an indication that Modern Warfare won’t be as serious as it claims, don’t be. Apparently, the TomaGUNchi isn’t representative of the sort of thing players will generally see in the game. “It’s a one-off we got creative with,” explains Emslie; “I said to our engineers: ‘Can you make it so that whilst we’re playing and I get kills in multiplayer, it kinda lives and grows?'”

So, while most of the game’s multiplayer customisation options are likely to be fairly realistic, it seems that players will still have the occasional sillier option. This may be the best way to handle options like this too; after all, an item like a wristwatch is something which will be seen by the player rather than their opponents; the opposite of most other wearable cosmetics. This way, players who want something a bit silly can have it. And all without it colouring the experiences of other players.