Activision has confirmed that gamers will finally get their first look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gameplay later today. In fact, the reveal is due in just a few hours’ time, at 12 PM CT. Thus far, the publisher and Infinity Ward have only revealed a single trailer for the game, presumably comprised of in-game cutscene footage. However, this will be the first time that actual gameplay from the upcoming title will be shown.
What to Expect From Today’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gameplay Reveal
The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gameplay reveal is going to be a bit different from what Activision has done in the past. Instead of revealing gameplay themselves, Activision has partnered with a number of content creators who will all be live-streaming gameplay themselves. Perhaps to keep things simple, the debut mode will be a new addition coming in Modern Warfare; Gunfight. This new mode is a 2v2 multiplayer mode rather than a larger format mode.

Thus far, two content creators have confirmed that they will be streaming gameplay on Twitch; CouRageJD and TeePee. However, it’s possible that more have yet to announce or are planning the stream to be a surprise. At present, it’s unknown exactly how much gameplay the streamers will be showing off. For now, it’s suspected that only Gunfight will be shown off, but it’s not known for how long. Additionally, it’s possible that Activision may still release a gameplay video of some sort themselves. Whatever the case, be sure to check our Call of Duty topic page later today for our coverage of the gameplay reveal!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is due to release on the 5th of November, later this year. As such, Activision only has about four months left for pre-release marketing and promotion. Following today’s reveal, fans can likely expect plenty more content coming from Activision and Infinity Ward in the near future.