With just two weeks now to go before the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Activision today released a brand-new trailer. Described as a Modern Warfare Launch Gameplay Trailer, the video actually contains a mix of gameplay and cutscene content, both from the story campaign and multiplayer. It’s also surprisingly early for a “launch” trailer, which usually launch just prior to the game’s release.
The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Launch Gameplay Trailer
The explosive new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Launch Gameplay Trailer doesn’t actually give fans much new information to discuss. It’s mostly footage which has been shown before, cut together from various previous trailers and videos. In all likelihood, the trailer is intended to simply be pre-release promotional marketing, and may also be used as a televised ad by Activision. (It certainly fits the standard format of televised game ads.)
The timing of the trailer is perhaps the most notable thing about it. “Launch” trailers usually come out anywhere from a week to a day before the release of a game. However, there are still two weeks to go before the release of Modern Warfare; thus making another launch trailer very likely closer to the date. Additionally, it’s interesting that the trailer has come out on the 7th of October; the date given by Activision for the start of the week in which fans can expect a Modern Warfare Spec Ops premiere.

That premiere is presumably still due to release sometime later this week; giving fans a look at what they can expect from the mode. Activision will need to do their best to win back fan goodwill on this score. After all, it was recently revealed that the Survival mode of Spec Ops will a one-year timed exclusive for the PS4. (Despite Activision saying that the PS4 would not get any earlier content release dates, in order to promote cross-play.)