One of the most interesting and original mechanics which players will get to experience when Call of Duty: Warzone launches tomorrow is the Gulag. A totally new take on battle royale respawn mechanics, the Gulag gives eliminated players a chance to respawn back into the game… if they can win a one-on-one prison fight against another player.
How to Get Out of the Call of Duty: Warzone Gulag
The mechanics of the Call of Duty: Warzone Gulag actually leaked months ago; one of the first bits of major info that was revealed about the then-unnamed Modern Warfare battle royale mode. Now that Activision has revealed it, the Gulag seems to work much the same as the leaks claimed. Note that the Gulag is only a feature of the core Battle Royale game mode. It doesn’t feature in the alternate Plunder game mode.

While the Gulag is a totally new idea for a battle royale game, the mechanics of how it works are relatively simple. The first time you are eliminated in a Warzone match, you are taken as a “Prisoner of Warzone”. You will then find yourself in the Gulag, spectating the prison’s one-on-one fights to the death. Eventually, you’ll get a turn to fight yourself, and you’ll face another player who is also stuck in the Gulag. Whoever wins this brutal fight is given the ability to redeploy back into the match.
However, there are a few caveats to the Gulag system. Firstly, it sounds as though you only get sent to the Gulag upon your first elimination. Presumably, dying a second time is much more permanent. Additionally, if you lose in your Gulag duel, you won’t get another chance to fight your way to freedom. Instead, your only hope to redeploy is for your squadmates to buy you a redeployment from a Buy Station. Note that the only way for them to do this is to earn enough Cash by completing Contracts, so there’s no guarantee that they’ll be able to redeploy you this way.