Big Changes to Verdansk Arrive in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5

Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 has arrived, and with it, Infinity Ward has delivered some major Verdansk map changes. Players can now access Verdansk Stadium; a huge new arena-style area… not to mention ride a new Freight Train which travels all around the map.

Warzone Season 5: Verdansk Map Changes

The first of the big Verdansk map changes in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 is the Acropolis National Arena, otherwise known as Verdansk Stadium. As the season 5 trailer showed, Shadow Company have destroyed the roof of this super-structure, opening it to the elements. Featuring a full pitch and huge tiers of seating, as well as underground sections and interior areas, Verdansk Stadium is a huge new addition to the playable map. Indeed, it’s likely to become a hotly-contested drop site as Season 5 gets underway.

Call of Duty Warzone Season 5 Verdansk Map Changes

The next new addition to Verdansk is the Train Station. Like the Stadium, players can now enter this building, which has gained a fully-fleshed-out interior. Most of its rooms surround a large central hall and the platforms. However, the Train Station isn’t necessarily as significant as the Freight Train itself, although it does provide an ideal place for players to board. That Freight Train is the other huge addition to the game’s map. Heavily-armoured and pulling flatbed carriages loaded with cargo, the train circumnavigates southwest Verdansk on its tracks.

While it’s not a change to the map itself per se, there is one other important change in Season 5 which will certainly change how players interact with Verdansk’s buildings; Exterior Ascension. Players should be familiar with the vertical zip lines which offer a way to go up and down elevator shafts. Season 5 adds a similar device, known as an Exterior Ascender, to many of the larger buildings of Verdansk. These are situated strategically to provide players with a way to quickly scale the outside of certain structures.