Apex Legends: Emergence, the battle royale title’s next season, is due to launch next week on the 3rd of August. While it doesn’t feature a brand-new map, it does include the return of World’s Edge, and a major update for the game’s second map.
The Apex Legends: Emergence World’s Edge Map Update
“A metamorphosis has come to World’s Edge,” explains Garrett Metcalf, Apex Legends’ Senior Level Designer; “After months of aggressive mining by the Harvester, the land is overmined, overburdened, and pushed to its limit. The earth has fractured and erupted as nature is reclaiming what’s hers. Hammond is scrambling to contain the damage they’ve caused.”
The first notable feature of the World’s Edge map update are several brand-new locations. The first is Climatizer, a site full of weather control equipment which is replacing the old Refinery location. This area is now full of snow, as the equipment cools down the environment. Another site which is no more following the update is Sorting Factory. This location has been replaced with a new area called Lava Siphon; a new facility designed to pump lava across the map. Of course, this area is now full of exposed lava pools, making it much more dangerous.
Cutting all the way through Climatizer to Fragment East is another huge new feature; a colossal volcanic fissure. The new fissure bisects a wide portion of World’s Edge, containing a river of lava. Unlike other volcanic areas on the map, this fissure does not have an updraft, meaning that crossing is much more difficult (not to mention treacherous). Fortunately, there is a new way to traverse the map in relative safety from the volcanic environment. New gondolas will be available to use at Climatizer and Lava Siphon. These gondolas are essentially small metal containers running on cables. While they may protect you from the lava, they may be risky if another squad opens fire on you while you’re inside.