Character Buffs for Crypto Coming Soon in Apex Legends

Poor Crypto. Out of all the characters in Apex Legends, he has been the one who is picked the least frequently. He also is the one who wins the least frequently. Clearly, there are some balancing issues. Been desperately hoping that he will get some buffs? We’ve got great news for you. Some character buffs for Crypto are forthcoming.

What to Know About the Character Buffs for Crypto

How do we know that Crypto is going to be getting some character buffs in the future? Check out these tweets:

A player mentions in the first tweet that Crypto needs some buffs because “he can be a liability having to tap into his drone everytime he needs to scout.”

Respawn developer Jason McCord replies, “We are talking about stuff. Still a ways out probably, but agree that he needs something!”

So, that is some fabulous news! “We’re talking about stuff” is pretty vague, but at least it means that Respawn is well aware that Crypto needs some improvements in order to be truly competitive. Alas, “still a ways out” is not all that encouraging. But at least they are working on the matter. Let’s just hope that now that they realize that Crypto mains are waiting for some buffs that they move it up in their list of priorities.

We will let you know just as soon as there is further news about the character buffs for Crypto. Maybe Jason McCord will let us know exactly what they are “talking” about with regards to the buffs. In the meantime, you can catch up on some other Apex Legends news. According to a recent leak, bunkers will start opening soon. Also, learn more about the Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition. News moves quickly in the world of Apex Legends, so check in with us again soon for more!