You Have To Check Out These Incredible Fan-Made Red Dead Redemption Portraits

Thomas Middleton, known as ThanksDecker or u/AgentClucky, has been rising to the top of the Red Dead Redemption subreddit recently with his artistic renderings of prominent characters from the original Red Dead Redemption – including the likes of John Marston and Seth Briars, which he had posted on Reddit.

Middleton has been kind enough to give us 24 of his portraits to showcase to our readership, so here they are for you to bask your eyes in. Make sure you go check out his work, they are incredible pieces that he has poured his heart and soul into.

WARNING: This article could and will contain major spoilers for the story of 2011’s Red Dead Redemption, so do not read ahead if you do not want potential spoilers. 

You can view the rest of these portraits below.