New Cyberpunk 2077 Blog Post Looks at Night City’s Nightlife

Following the release of their first story trailer, CD Projekt Red announced a new Cyberpunk 2077 blog. The blog is examining the story trailer frame by frame, offering fans some lore and information about the glimpses of Night City offered in the video. Previous entries have explained “braindance” and the social ladder of Night City. The latest entry turns to culture and nightlife.

Culture and Retrofitted Nightlife in Cyberpunk 2077

The moment in the trailer which this blog post addresses is the shot of a dimly-lit bar featuring a pool table. “Night City is a diverse place with people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and cultures.” begins the blog, highlighting the diversity of the independent city. Certainly, the shot it describes includes a man with a strong American West aesthetic; with a stetson hat on and a handgun on his hip. In the sci-fi and cybernetically-enhanced setting around him, he certainly stands out; a man behind him has glowing cybernetic eyes, for instance.

Night City Will Feature a Variety of Distinct Nightlife Establishments

“As a result, there’s an array of nightlife establishments, each with their own appealing atmosphere.” explains the blog; “Some Night City bars have a distinct old-school vibe, which is why, in the trailer, we spot a familiar sight – a classic style pool table that’s been retrofitted with minor technological enhancements.”

The pool table does feature holographic displays highlighting each corner pocket and the ball trajectories. The object illustrates a key aspect of Cyberpunk 2077’s setting; the enhancement of objects as well as people. While the people of Night City pursue rampant cybernetic enhancement, it seems like plenty of objects and devices will receive similar treatment. We already know that flying cars feature in Night City, for example, although players won’t be able to fly them. It seems likely that nightlife establishments like the bar depicted in the trailer will be key focal points in Cyberpunk 2077. Taverns and bars were key places in The Witcher III, featuring Gwent games and other diversions for players. As such, it should come as no surprise that CD Projekt Red is doing things similarly.