Fans eagerly awaiting news for Cyberpunk 2077 should already know that E3 2019 will be a major event for the game. CD Projekt Red has said that this year’s E3 appearance will be their biggest ever. Last year, the studio’s upcoming game dominated the event, even though all that was shown was a single new trailer with no gameplay. Now, the studio’s Global Community Lead, Marcin Momot, has confirmed some additional details about the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 E3 appearance.

More Details Emerge About the 2019 Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Appearance
At E3 2018, CD Projekt Red revealed their first true trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 in five years. As a result, hype for the game exploded overnight. Although gameplay from the upcoming title was shown at the event, it was only shown at several behind-closed-doors screenings to press and industry members, not to the public. Eventually, after several months, the studio did release one of the forty-minute gameplay demos from E3. That was fans’ first look at Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay. However, the studio recently told fans that they should expect differences when they next see the game. After all, the game was still in development at the time.
Thanks to Marcin Momot, we now know for sure that fans will get that chance at E3 2019. According to Momot, CD Projekt Red will be hosting gameplay presentations at the Cyberpunk 2077 E3 appearance. The game will be played, presumably live, by members of the studio. Unfortunately, it won’t be playable by members of that public, but that isn’t exactly surprising.
In a follow-up Tweet, Momot confirmed that some gameplay presentations will be public while some will be private, and that they will be different. He didn’t go into detail about how or why, however. He also confirmed that the studio will be at E3 for the entire event. At present, many fans are expecting to finally learn the game’s release date at E3 2019. However, it remains unknown if the studio will actually release this information. They have been famously silent about it thus far, after all. The best-informed estimates put the game’s release in late 2019 or early 2020.