Cyberpunk 2077 Thanks the Fan Community With 2077th Tweet

Earlier today, CD Projekt Red marked a small but notable event; the posting of the 2,077th tweet from the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account. To mark the occasion, the game’s community team chose to post a thank you message to the fan community on behalf of CD Projekt Red; thanking everyone for their continuing support for Cyberpunk 2077.

CD Projekt Red’s Message in the 2077th Cyberpunk 2077 Tweet

“This is our 2077th tweet,” says CD Projekt Red’s community team; “and we think you’d agree that it’s too awesome of a number of us not to send you guys a special message! Normally, we’d be in character, sending you funny gifs or pics of cybercats, but this time around, we wanted to say something off brand.”

The message subsequently touches on the purpose of the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account; to serve as a voice between CD Projekt Red and their fans. The dialogue this facilitates is key for the studio to gauge public opinion. Indeed, DICE recently launched a community broadcast series based on similar principles. Social media has been critical in recent months for studios like DICE and Bethesda, giving them a platform to hear fan feedback and identify areas which need attention. It seems unlikely that Fallout 76 or Battlefield 5 would have gotten the same specific fixes that they have done without the games’ social media accounts and the fan engagement they facilitate.

Cyberpunk 2077 Tweet Gives Message to Fan Community

“Cyberpunk 2077 is a really big game,” continues CD Projekt Red; “but so is the task of communicating it to so many wonderful people from all around the world. These 2077 tweets have been an awesome and enlightening journey for us so far. Thank you for being such an awesome community. You make it worth the while”. To end with, the message is signed by sixteen individuals from CD Projekt Red, “and the entire communication team!”