Cyberpunk 2077 Nanowires Cyberware Detailed in New Video

As CD Projekt Red heads towards the public release of the Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo which they showed at E3, the studio has begun releasing brief informational snippets about what players might get to see. Thus far, the studio has revealed details about in-game radios and the three Life-Paths. Now, Senior Level Designer Miles Tost has some information about the Cyberpunk 2077 Nanowires.

What the Cyberpunk 2077 Nanowires Can be Used For

According to Tost, the Nanowires are; “basically a set of strings almost like a garrote that is attached to your arms – you pull them out and connect them. And that way you can stealthily kill people but you can also hack them from a distance, unlocking the ability to quick-hack and upload some powerful malware in them to make them, basically, shoot themselves and all that kind of cybernetic divinity and godhood that you’ll want your hacking character be able to do.”

It sounds as though the Cyberpunk 2077 Nanowires will be an especially useful piece of cyberware. Fans will have to hope that this stealthy cyber-weapon plays a role in the upcoming gameplay demo. (Chances are high, given the release of this latest interview snippet.) Tost went on to say about the wires; “The other cool thing is they’re not just for hacking but you can also use them to slice people into tiny bite[byte?]-size pieces, because again, they’re really really sharp little metal strings and also powerful weapons, so they really come in handy for what you would call ‘combat netrunning.'”

Cyberpunk 2077 Nanowires Detailed in New Video 2

This term ‘combat netrunning,’ may refer to a play-style which blends hacking with combat; utilising tools like the Nanowires and other forms of cyberware for stealth and target elimination. Of course, we’ve only seen a single gameplay demo thus far. As such, combat mechanics are likely to look a little different now. Hopefully, fans get a glimpse of combat netrunning in action soon.