Later this week, CD Projekt Red will be releasing the fifth episode of Night City Wire, their ongoing behind-the-scenes series focusing on Cyberpunk 2077. However, earlier today, the studio released a surprise Night City Wire “Special,” showing off around 10 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X and Xbox One X gameplay footage.
Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X & Xbox One X Footage
Thus far, CD Projekt Red has released four episodes of Night City Wire, with a fifth coming later this week. This, however, is the first “Special” episode, coming unannounced today on YouTube. The video shows a direct comparison between gameplay footage on Xbox One X and Xbox Series X, switching in-between sections. The video also features never-before-seen gameplay featuring quests, dialogue, and more. Indeed, the video shows some extended driving sequences longer than any previously released by CD Projekt Red.
Another interesting section is that today’s special includes the first-ever gameplay footage of V conversing with Johnny Silverhand. While Johnny has appeared in trailers and gameplay videos before, CD Projekt Red has never shown any extended conversations with his character in-game. The clip also shows off more Braindance gameplay; a feature which received attention in one of the past episodes of Night City Wire.
The video ends with a reminder that Cyberpunk 2077 will be compatible with both current- and next-gen consoles at launch. Of course, there is a free next-gen upgrade coming for the game as well. That upgrade will push the game further in order to take greater advantage of next-gen hardware. However, it won’t be coming until some point next year. Meanwhile, the next episode of Night City Wire, episode #5, will be releasing later this week on the 19th of November. With the game’s release now just a few weeks away, it could very well be the final episode of the series prior to launch.