Death Gets a Delay Because of a Weird Fortnite Glitch

Maybe recently you eliminated a player in Fortnite and noticed something weird. After you achieved the kill, the player continued to wander around. You might’ve even tried to put more bullets into them to make sure they really were out. If this has happened to you, you are not the only one. Epic Games just came forward to explain this bizarre Fortnite bug.

This Is Why Players You Eliminated Keep Walking Around

Take a look at this post in Reddit. Epic explains:


We’ve seen players mentioning that occasionally they’ll eliminate a player but they keep walking for a short period of time. We’re investigating this on our end but could use your help too. I’ve created a Trello Card that has instructions on how you can do this.

Videos also help us a lot, so if this issue happens to you and you have a video, then please leave a link to the example in this post so we can look into that as well.

Thanks a bunch!”

You can see an example of this here:

At best, this bug is annoying. At worst, it can throw off entire matches. If you think your opponent is still in the game, you might waste bullets and time trying to eliminate them. Meanwhile, another player might walk up behind you and shoot you in the back.

So if you have experienced this strange Fortnite bug, click on that Trello link which Epic provided. Describe what you experienced. If you have a video, make sure you share it. The more people provide feedback on this issue, the faster Epic can track down what is going on. Once they identify the cause, they can fix the bug.