Every week, Destiny 2’s Black Armory add-on has provided a selection of random weapon frames for players to work towards. However, the random nature of vendor Ada-1’s stock has prevented certain frames from showing up due to bad odds. With the game’s upcoming 2.2.1 update, though, that will no longer be an issue.
Destiny 2 Full Weapon Frame Availability

Bungie confirmed via its most recent weekly blog post that a key change is being made to Ada-1’s stock. Whereas before Ada-1 offered a limited rotating selection, she’ll instead have her entire stock available every week. This will ensure Black Armory players can always pursue the specific weapon frames they want.
Here’s the full statement from Bungie:
“While weapon frames aren’t tied to any specific Seals, we understand that players are on the hunt for new and exciting rolls on their favorite weapons. Since Black Armory released, there have been a few streaks where Sniper Rifle or Machine Gun frames didn’t appear for many weeks in a row.
In Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1, Ada-1 will begin offering all weapon frames each week. While players will still be limited in how many different frames they may acquire per week, we are removing the weekly rotation.”
As Bungie confirmed in the update, this Ada-1 inventory change will go live with Destiny 2’s 2.2.1 update. Currently, update 2.2.1 is tentatively scheduled to launch on Tuesday, April 9. The update is still being tested, however, so Bungie isn’t fully committing to that release date.
Update 2.2.1 will also herald the beginning of Destiny 2’s ‘Arc Week’ event. Bungie hasn’t fully detailed the event yet but it will involve Arc energy in some capacity. The Arc Week event will also be freely available to all players, no Annual Pass required.
Destiny 2’s 2.2.1 update will also buff the drop rates for rare Dreaming City and Last Wish items. Also, if you’re still working on the Invitations of the Nine questline, we’ve got a guide for the Justice bounty.