Back in Year 1, Bungie said that they will be taking a different route with tuning the weapons. That is, buffing the actual under-doing weapons instead of nerfing the good weapons in the game. Lately, it seems Bungie forgot about what they said. With the Season of Opulence, Bungie nerfed one of the best pinnacle hand cannons in the game for the Crucible – Luna’s Howl and Not Forgotten. One good thing about these nerfs updates is that players find new weapons to use as their go-to DPS weapons in PvE.
Best DPS Weapon in Destiny

Grenade Launchers are reigning supreme this season. Last season, we didn’t even know grenade launchers existed in PvE. Now, the highest DPS weapons right now are The Mountaintop (Crucible pinnacle weapon), Anarchy (Scourge of the Past reward) and other GLs with Spike Grenade perk.
Today, we’ll be discussing the BEST weapon you can use to DPS the Raid, Strike bosses in Destiny 2. Swarm of the Raven is a legendary grenade launcher. It’s an Aggressive frame weapon meaning it does High damage with greater Recoil.
How to Acquire
In order to obtain Swarm of the Raven, you need to play Iron Banner and turn in the tokens to Lord Saladin in the Tower. Other ways to acquire this weapon are by completing Iron Banner matches and praising the RNGesus to drop this weapon from end-game drops or completing the Iron Banner Bounties. Make sure you get this weapon with Spike Grenades perk.
Players in Destiny 2 have been using The Mountaintop+Anachy as their main DPS weapons in PvE activities. Well, Swarm of the Raven can do a total of 7million+(with Well of Radiance, Tractor Cannon buff, etc) damage making it the best DPS weapon in the game right now. Below spreadsheet is put together by Aoterra and LucasDestiny. Take a look:

Bungie also announced that they will be activating Triple Valor for this weekend. So, it’s your best chance to complete that Iron Banner quest and farm this grenade launcher.
Solstice of Heroes will be coming to Destiny 2 on July 30, 2019, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It’ll bring a brand-new area called European Ariel Zone EAZ.