In This Week At Bungie (TWAB), Bungie revealed a certain amount of things coming this fall in Shadowkeep. Luke Smith (Game Director at Bungie) released his three parts of Director’s Cut focusing on the past, the present and the future of Destiny franchise (and he really did a great job being transparent with the community). He also talked about how the Crucible is changing in Shadowkeep.
New Crucible Director Revealed

In TWAB, Bungie revealed how the new revamped version of the Crucible Director will look like in Shadowkeep. They said:
“When Shadowkeep launches, your Crucible Director will look a bit different. Here’s a quick rundown from the Director’s Cut:
- We’ve removed the Quickplay and Competitive nodes from the Director.
- If you’re looking for an experience like Quickplay, we’ve added Classic Mix (a connection-based playlist [like Quickplay today]). Classic Mix includes Control, Clash, and Supremacy.
- Competitive is replaced by 3v3 Survival (which now awards Glory).
- We’ve also added a Survival Solo Queue playlist that also awards Glory.
- We’ve added 6v6 Control as its own playlist.
- With the potential influx of new players this fall, we want to have a playlist that signals to new players where to start.
- We feel like 6v6 Control is the right starting place when introducing new friends to Destiny.
- We’ve added a weekly 6v6 rotator and a weekly 4v4 rotator.
- These rotator playlists are where modes like Clash, Supremacy, Mayhem, Lockdown, and Countdown will appear.“
New Bungie Bounty Emblem Incoming

Bungie also revealed that the new Bungie Bounty Year 3 emblem. Here’s how you can earn this emblem in Destiny 2:
“Next week, we’re assembling a special strike team for another Bungie Bounty—and, like we always do, we’re leaving a seat open. In keeping with our streaming tradition, this is your chance to find us in the wilds of matchmaking and engage in live combat with the hopes of winning an emblem as your reward. On this occasion, we’re putting a price on the heads of whichever strike bosses the fates choose.
- Bungie Bounty—Strike Team Edition
- Destiny 2 on Xbox Live
- Heroic Strike Playlist
- Tuesday, September 10
- 3–5 PM PDT
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.