There is so much content to do right now in Destiny 2 for players like completing the Izanami Forge from the Black Armory DLC to completing the weekly bounties. Of course, you can always continue to add weapons to your collection. One such weapon is the Destiny 2 Dust Rock Blues legendary. In this guide, we are going to go over how to best farm for it.
The Destiny 2 Dust Rock Blues is a weapon that some players are wanting right now due to its strong power. Also, being that it is a legendary weapon, this means that you don’t have to worry about any pesky Exotic limitations and can equip it no matter what your set up is right now. Without further ado, let’s jump into the best places to farm for it.
Where to Destiny 2 Dust Rock Blues Farm
The Dust Rock Blues is a legendary shotgun that is extremely powerful. It is a great addition to your arsenal, especially if you’re in need of a close-range weapon right now. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways that you can farm for it currently. The first is by doing some of the Spider bounties that grant Engrams as a reward.
In addition, you can actually simply get them from just doing public events but this isn’t always the best method. You can also get it as a reward from the Crucible Engrams. The point is, if you’re doing Crucible or just doing stuff in the Tangled Shore, you’re game to possibly receive it.
So, we recommend that you do your favorite Forsaken expansion content in order to find it or just the Crucible PvP. Keep doing this and you’re bound to find it at some point. However, it is worth noting that RNG does have a play in when that happens.