In a recent TWAB, Bungie revealed a huge list of patch-notes for the sandbox update coming in Shadowkeep this October. This update also includes subclass changes and some tuning to the Super abilities of each class. Below, you can find each and every buff mentioned in the TWAB blog-post for subclasses in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 Subclass Buffs in Shadowkeep

Nightstalker Way of the Pathfinder (Bottom)
Vanish: Smoke bomb grants invisibility to allies
- Gives 1 stack of Heart of the Pack (newly revamped) to all allies hit
- Grants +34 to armor, recovery, and agility
- Gives weapon reload speed and handling
- Max 3 stacks
- Increased invisibility duration from 7 > 8 seconds.
Provision: Killing tethered enemies creates super orbs and increases agility, armor, and recovery for allies
- New Perk (old perk benefits moved to be part of Mobius Quiver)
- Damaging enemies with your grenades reduces the cooldown of your smoke bomb (6% per damage tick)
- Making allies invis gives you grenade energy (17.5% per ally)
Moebius Quiver: Fire super multiple times and deals massive damage to tethered targets
- Added the old Provision perk to naturally be part of Mobius Quiver
- Killing tethered enemies creates super orbs and grants stacks of Heart of the Pack for allies
- Expanded the range of Heart of the Pack from 20 > 30 meters.
Shadowshot Super (Top and Bottom path)
- Damage increased from 150 > 250
- One shot kill in PvP
- Improved tether accuracy near obstacles
- Suppress on hit is more consistent
Sentinel Code of the Protector (Top)

Defensive Strike: Melee ability that creates an overshield for nearby allies
- All kills while the overshield is active grant melee energy for the player with the shield (works for all allies you grant a shield to)
- This is based upon enemy threat level from 5% (minors) to 25% (players and bosses)
Rallying Force: Melee kills heal nearby allies
- Heal buffed from 10 health and 10 shields to 10 health and 20 shields (50% increase)
Ward of Dawn: Alternate super that creates a shield bubble
- Increase ward health versus supers
- Most supers will require the whole thing to be dumped on the ward to destroy it but will (usually) not kill the players inside.
- Ward grants weapons of light buff when passing through it (35% weapon damage for 15 seconds)
- Grants an additional super orb (3)
- Auto-generated orbs now grant the same amount of super energy as regular super orbs (previously the orbs gave less super energy on par with masterwork orbs)
Sentinel Code of the Aggressor (Bottom)

Shield Bash: Shoulder charge that disorients nearby enemies
- Now suppresses the target hit and any enemy within 2 meters (have to be basically right next to them)
Voidwalker Attunement of Hunger (Bottom)
Vortex: Nova Bomb leaves behind a damaging AoE pool
- Initial explosion damage increased 15%
- Lingering damage increased 15%
Dawnblade Attunement of Grace
Well of Radiance: Alternate super that creates a healing/buffing field for allies
- Grants an additional super orb (3)
- Auto-generated orbs now grant the same amount of super energy as regular super orbs (previously the orbs gave less super energy on par with masterwork orbs)
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.