With every Season, Bungie is bringing back more and more Destiny 1 exotics to Destiny 2. Recently, we’ve received Bad Juju (Exotic Pulse Rifle) and Truth (Exotic Rocket Launcher) in Season of Opulence. It’s no wonder that we’ll be getting older exotics from Destiny 1 with Shadowkeep. Bungie already teased some of the new exotics coming next season – Heavy Exotic Bow, Scoped Hand Cannon, and Heavy Machine Gun are some of them.
Five Exotic That Should Return in Shadowkeep
Today, we’ll be discussing which exotics and other legendary weapons need to be brought back to Destiny 2.
Exotic Swords

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, Exotic Swords were some of the best weapons in Destiny 1. There were three of them – Raze-Lighter (Solar), Bolt-Crasher (Arc) and Dark-Drinker (Void). It’s been the time since we’ve seen of these in Destiny 2 (Raze-Lighter on Lord Shaxx back). Each sword had its own unique perk.

If you’ve played Destiny 1, Gjallarhorn (an Exotic Rocket Launcher) would probably be your most heard exotic weapon in the game. This weapon was only sold two times by Xur, Agent of the Nine on Sept. 19th, 2014 and August 14th, 2015. Players have been speculating that this weapon will be coming with Solar Week in the upcoming Solstice of Heroes event.
Grasp of Malok

Grasp of Malok is probably my favorite Legendary Pulse Rifle from Destiny 1. It was a strike specific reward of Will of Crota Strike (Omnigul).
Zhalo Supercell

You might be wondering “but we already have Riskrunner – a better version of Zhalo Supercell”. Well, this weapon might be an identical weapon to Riskrunner but it has its own feeling. Melting down thralls in strikes with this weapon is the most fun I had with this weapon.
Dragon’s Breath

Last but not least, Dragon’s Breath. Another Exotic Rocket Launcher that has a unique perk called Napalm “Release trigger after weapon fire to drop a Solar Damage napalm canister.”
Solstice of Heroes will be live tomorrow on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. What do you think which D1 exotics should return with Shadowkeep? Let us know in comments!