With every expansion or Season, Bungie adds new armor sets and exotics into the loot pool of Destiny 2. With Season of Opulence, we’ve got Opulent Armor Set along with the new Raid armor set too. Shadowkeep is the next big expansion in Destiny 2 and it comes with a total of six new armor sets for PvP and PvE. On top of that, we are also getting some RPG elements into the game such as – Armor 2.0, Artifact system and Finishers. Eververse economy is also getting revamped this fall for the good.
List of Every Armor Set in Shadowkeep
Garden of Salvation Armor Set

First off, let’s talk about the new Raid armor set that drops from Garden of Salvation. This raid takes place in The Black Garden. This new raid will launch on October 5, 2019.
Dreambane Armor Set

This armor set drops from the Moon activities. We don’t know which activities at this point. Guessing from the past, I think we’ll also be able to get this armor by leveling up Eris Morn.
Substitutional Armor Set

In Shadowkeep, Bungie is also adding a Rank Reward system just like Battle Pass in other titles. This armor will be unlocked from free rank rewards and Seasonal activities.
Phenotype Plasticity Universal Ornament Set

This set is also acquired from the Seasonal Rank Rewards.
Iron Will Armor Set

Every Season, Bungie adds a new armor set for Iron Banner. And just like that, we’ve got another armor set for the Iron Banner. To acquire this armor set, you might need to complete Iron Banner bounties and challenges in Season of the Undying.
Empyrean Cartographer Universal Ornament Set

This is the Eververse exclusive Armor set. At this moment, we don’t know if it can be purchased from Bright Dust or Silver. We’ll know more about it in the near future.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.