Back In December 2017, when Bungie released the first-ever expansion for Destiny 2 – Curse of Osiris, they released a brand-new weapon called Prometheus Lens. It’s an Exotic Trace Rifle with an intrinsic perk called Prismatic Inferno “Fires a Solar trace beam and generates a damaging heat field that grows while the weapon continues to fire.” After this weapon was released, it went on the same level of broken where Vex Mythoclast was in Destiny 1. So, Bungie made this weapon available for everyone in that week’s Xur inventory. Now, let’s talk about the Lord of Wolves.
Lord of Wolves And Prometheus Lens
Fast forward to the Season of Opulence, Bungie buffed the damage numbers on every Shotgun. So, while most shotguns made their way on the top tier shotguns list, Lord of Wolves, an exotic shotgun brought back from Destiny 1, went even higher than Tier 1. With its unique perk called Shrapnel Launcher “Fires a powerful short-range burst of Solar damage.” With the magazine size of this weapon and its perk, you can literally use this weapon as your primary weapon in the Crucible.

While Bungie nerfed Prometheus Lens back in 2018, they did allow players to have fun in the Crucible as much as they can for a week. Destiny Community called that week – Laser Tag weekend. Same goes for the Lord of Wolves. Luke Smith said in a blog post that they will be fixing Lord of Wolves with Solstice of Heroes update. Till then, you can have as much fun using this weapon as you want.
In TWAB, Bungie announced that they will be releasing 2 brand-new emblems for these two weapons as a memory. Laser Tag emblem is “Prismatic Inferno.” While on this other hand, Lord of Wolves emblem is “Wolves Unleashed.”

Prismatic Inferno: Players must have finished a Crucible match between 10 AM PST December 8 and 10 AM PST December 12, 2017.
Wolves Unleashed: Players must have finished an Iron Banner match between 10 AM PDT June 18 and 10 AM PDT June 25, 2019, or between 10 AM PDT July 23 and 10 AM PDT July 30, 2019.
This is all you have to do in order to get these two super-cool-looking emblems in Destiny 2. If you have any questions, let us know in comments!