Shadowkeep comes with a shower of content for the players. Since its release, players have been grinding to the Max Power Level they can get since there is not Power Level cap in Shadowkeep. You can use Seasonal Artifact to gain infinite Power Level. But along with all of that, players have also been encountering some issues with Destiny 2 lately. Below are some issues mentioned in the Bungie blog-post. You can check out this article here for a complete list of issues.
List of Issues in Destiny 2

Error Codes
- PC players may mitigate SQUIRREL errors by removing Cyrillic letters from their Steam nickname.
- Some players may mitigate WEASEL errors by removing Cyrillic letters from their Clan Name, Clan Tag, Clan Motto, or Clan Description.
- Players whose Forsaken licenses did not transfer from Blizzard to Steam should retry PC Migration.
- Players may sometimes receive Silver instead of a Season Pass. Players may spend this Silver on the Seasons page in the Director to redeem their Season Pass.
- We are investigating various issues reported by players in PC Migration. In the meantime, any player encountering issues should retry PC Migration here.
- Players who are encountering “problem reading game content” errors on Steam should try deleting the steam_appid.txt file in their Destiny 2 folder. Players performing these steps must also ensure that they are NOT launching Destiny 2 using the “Run as Administrator” option.
- Example directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Destiny 2
- Players may also find this under …\Destiny2\bin\x64
- Players with more than 300 friends on Steam may experience crashes at the title screen. Players encountering this issue should lower their friends list to less than 300 people.
- Fireteam chat will not work when Steam is offline.
- All offline players in Clans will not display their name, but instead, will show Offline.
- If players create a Fireteam while Steam is down, other players will never be able to join them
New Light
- Some players who started D2 right before October 1 will still be at 0 Power when logging in. To resolve this, players will need to delete that character.
- Player’s Origin Story and Last Dance weapons may disappear when completing the Red War mission, “Journey.”
- Certain Achievements/Trophies can only be unlocked by owning Forsaken (the third subclass, reaching Dreaming City, 5000 triumph score).
- Only newly created Guardians can unlock the Show Me What You Got Achievement/Trophy.
- Lunafaction Boots incorrectly state that using them in Rifts will automatically reload weapons, but they will actually increase weapon reload speed as of Update
Destiny 2 Official Boots Incoming
Yesterday, Bungie announced their partnership with Palladium (a renown company for Footwear products) that they will be releasing the Official Destiny 2 Boots. These will be available or pre-order on October 11, 2019. Right now, we don’t have an official release date for this product from Bungie.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.