During the recent reveal livestream for Destiny 2’s upcoming Shadowkeep expansion, Bungie discussed some of the game’s shortcomings. One such shortcoming is the confusing (and expensive) way in which new players must acclimate to the game. However, with Shadowkeep’s launch, that initial introduction will be much less confusing and much more cost-effective. Thanks to the upcoming ‘New Light’ edition of Destiny 2, new players can try the game out entirely free.
Destiny 2 New Light Edition

You heard that right, the base version of Destiny 2 is essentially going free-to-play this fall. Any player who doesn’t already own the core game can download and play the New Light version for free. As Bungie tells it, the New Light version will offer a surprisingly robust experience considering its $0 price tag. All New Light players will have full permanent access to the following content:
- Destiny 2’s base Red War story campaign
- The Curse of Osiris and Warmind expansions
- The full suite of Crucible PvP modes and the Gambit PvPvE mode
- Outdoor patrol zones from the Forsaken expansion including the Tangled Shore and Dreaming City
In additional to all of the above, Destiny 2’s New Light edition will also include a unique starting experience. This starting experience is set in Earth’s Cosmodrome, a not-so-subtle nod to the original Destiny’s opening mission. Thanks to the starting experience, new players will become acquainted with Destiny 2’s various gameplay systems in short order. The overall goal is to have New Light players enjoying endgame content in a matter of minutes rather than hours.
More information on Destiny 2’s New Light edition can be found here. New Light players who enjoy the game will be able to purchase modular DLC like the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions. Individual content seasons will also be on offer, allowing players to decide which content they want to pay for.
Destiny 2’s New Light edition will launch on the same day as the Shadowkeep expansion, September 17.