Ahead of its launch on June 4, Bungie is now parceling out new details regarding Destiny 2’s Season of Opulence. When the new season launches, players will be granted access to a brand new six-player activity dubbed the Menagerie. Tying into the Menagerie activity is a new ‘Chalice of Opulence’ item which gives players control over their earned loot.
Destiny 2 The Menagerie Trailer And Details

Bungie unveiled the Menagerie in this Season of Opulence post on its website. According to the post and accompanying teaser trailer, the Menagerie will be Destiny 2’s first non-raid six-player activity. The Menagerie will also support matchmaking for players who’d rather not put together pre-made parties.
From a lore perspective, the Menagerie is located in the vaults of the Leviathan. Dedicated Destiny 2 players will recall that the Leviathan is the capital ship of the Cabal Emperor Calus. It’s also where players headed to participate in Destiny 2’s initial series of raid encounters.
Players who best the Menagerie can use a new item called the Chalice of Opulence to make a customized offering. This, in turn, allows players to control the specific types of loot they earn. Destiny 2 players have oft complained about having to rely on randomized drops for gear upgrades. It sounds like the Menagerie is Bungie’s answer to those complaints.
Throughout the Season of Opulence, new bosses will join the Menagerie’s roster. Players will also get to upgrade their chalices for better loot rewards. Lastly, Bungie plans on adding a Heroic difficulty tier to the Menagerie. Unlike the standard Menagerie experience, Heroic difficulty won’t support matchmaking, suggesting a noticeable spike in difficulty.
All Destiny 2 players can try the Menagerie once through the new Season of Opulence Power Surge quest. Subsequent attempts, however, will require the Penumbra expansion that’s included in the game’s Annual Pass. Along with the Menagerie, the Season of Opulence also includes a new raid experience, Crown of Sorrows.