In the Director’s Cut: Part 1 blog-post by Luke Smith, Bungie teased some really cool stuff coming soon to Destiny 2, some of the content in Shadowkeep and other later this month. If you don’t yet know, Destiny 2 will be heading to Steam this month on August 20, 2019, right after Gamescom. Bungie also teased some new Eververse changes coming with Shadowkeep this fall.
New Pursuits Tab in Destiny 2

In the blog-post released earlier today, Luke Smith teased the brand-new look at the Pursuits Tab in Destiny 2. This will be going live in Destiny 2 with the release of Shadowkeep on October 1, 2019. With that, players on PC will finally be getting a long-awaited feature – Hot Key for Pursuits Menu. Here’s what Luke Smith has to say:
“We want a Quest log with great tracking that can help players prioritize what to do next. Oh, and this fall, bounties will be separated from quests and PC players can assign a hotkey that takes them directly to the Pursuits menu.”
This is definitely a good thing for PC players. As for console players, we only have one wish – make loading faster in the game. We know that adding an SSD on console minimizes the loading times in the game. But not all of us can afford that, and Bungie needs to put out a proper solution to this.
New Eververse Changes in Destiny 2

We all know that Evervese Changes are happening in Destiny 2. After the Bungie-Activision split, Destiny 2 took a huge turn on the Eververse economy. Now, Luke Smith teased some other changes to the Eververse coming this fall. He said:
“The storefront is going to get another round of enhancements this fall, too. We’re going to move it to the Director, so you don’t have to go to the Tower and see Tess to interact with it. We’re giving it some Class specific content, so if you’re on your Titan looking for Titan Universal Ornaments with smaller shoulders, you’ll see Titan armor on one of the store’s subpages. We’re also going to make it so that the pieces you’ve already acquired from a given set reduce the Silver price of the set. For instance, if you are 3/5 Optimacy set on your Titan, the cost to finish the set in Silver will be reduced by 60%.”
This confirms that the Eververse Store will be accessible from the Director this fall with Shadowkeep. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in comments!
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.