We’ve recently discussed the Super changes that will be hitting the solar subclass of Titans and Hunters for their solar supers. This change (along with several others) will be releasing with a new sandbox update next season (Season of Dawn). At this point, Bungie hasn’t revealed anything related to this next season and it is a total mystery to us. Hopefully, we’ll be getting some kind of a teaser of reveal next week on Tuesday (fingers crossed). Now, let’s talk about the Warlocks’ super changes coming to Destiny 2.
Destiny 2: Warlocks Super Changes

According to Bungie, this update will only be featuring the Attunement of Sky (top path) in the solar subclass. Below, you can see the changes mentioned in the TWAB blog-post:
“As such, we reduced the speed at which Burst Glide accelerates players in Daybreak. We know this is a controversial change but we wanted to reserve the air superiority gameplay with Attunement of Sky and the Burst Glide speed was blurring the lines between both Daybreak paths.
Icarus Dashes while in Daybreak has increased speed and thrust to recapture the burst glide gameplay for those running the air superiority path. We hope that, while this change is different, you still feel as fast as before—but with maybe a bit more expression behind that speed. The rest of the changes are below:
NEW Celestial Fire (Melee): Send a spiral of three explosive Solar projectiles.
Heat Rises: (Rework) Consume your grenade to extend Glide time and dramatically reduce the in-air accuracy penalties for weapons.
Winged Sun (Rework): Fire weapons, use Celestial Fire, and throw a grenade while gliding. Airborne final blows grant melee energy and extend the duration of Heat Rises.
Icarus Dash (Rework): Tap (Crouch) twice to dodge in midair. Dodging in Daybreak accelerates players farther and costs less Super energy while under the effects of Heat Rises.
Added note: Due to the nature of these reworks, Wings of Sacred Dawn received a buff where it gains 15% damage resistance while Tome of Dawn is active.”
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.