Bungie released some really cool looking exotics in Destiny 1. Some of them had really useful perks as well, for instance, Black Spindle (which is now Whisper of the Worm) – also, Sleeper Simulant (one of the best DPS weapons in Destiny).
Destiny – The Complete Picture
In The Dark Below, Bungie released a couple of exotic weapons. Some of them are Dragon’s Breath, Necrochasm, Lord of Wolves and a fan-favorite exotic sniper rifle No Land Beyond (Bungie please bring this exotic back in Destiny 2).

At the start of Year 2 of Destiny 1 – with The Taken King (the biggest expansion of Destiny at the time), Bungie released a new weapon type Swords. And with that, they released three Exotic Swords called Bolt-Crasher (Arc), Raze-Lighter (Solar) and Dark Drinker (Void). Other exotic weapons like Boolean Gemini, Black Spindle, and Zhalo Supercell added with the expansion.
Returning Destiny 1 Exotic?
There was a King’s Fall raid exotic called Touch of Malice that was mostly used in the raid itself at the final boss phase. There were several tasks you would need to complete in order to acquire this weapon.
As we all know by now, Bungie tends to bring back old Destiny 1 exotics back to the game with every expansion. So far, we’ve got Jade Rabbit, Sleeper Simulant, Whisper of the Worm, Ace of Spades, Outbreak Perfected and Bad Juju (according to the leaks).
With the upcoming expansion this year, Shadowkeep, we may have a clue to what Destiny 1 exotic weapon will be joining our vaults in Destiny 2. GuardianCon 2019 is going strong this week. For the first time, Bungie also had a booth at the charity event and they are looking forward to it next year too.

At the event, Bungie showcased several weapon props that are coming to Shadowkeep. A brand-new exotic – mysterious insect-powered Heavy Machine Gun (learn more about it here). Along with that, Bungie also had an OG Destiny exotic Touch of Malice at the display. – weird of it being there unless it’s coming back to Destiny 2 with Shadowkeep.
What do you think? Do you want Touch of Malice back in Destiny 2? Let us know in comments!