When we first got Eververse in Destiny 1, most of the community were upset with this decision by Bungie. We all knew how this will ruin the game and the in-game items. But then, Bungie announced the Eververse will only have cosmetic items which gave us some level of hope. But after the release of Destiny 2, the quality of earnable armor sets and Eververse (paid) armor sets have had an insane amount of difference. If we compare Destiny 1 armor sets to Destiny 2, we can say it right away that Destiny 1 is a total winner. Bungie should consider making some creative and unique armor sets that are earnable and not available in the Eververse Store.
Destiny 2: Eververse Inventory For Next Three Weeks
This Twitter user “JpDeathBlade” has data-mined the inventory of Eververse for the final weeks of Destiny 2 Season of the Undying. We now know what Tess Everis is planning on bringing for the next three weeks. Here’s what the Twitter user has to say about it:
“Here’s the final 3 weeks of #Destiny2 Eververse Season 8. Some items are still jumbled so I broke them out at the bottom. Each item will replace one of the question marks. Double Jotuneer is NOT a mistake. Subject to change.”
For Week 8, 9, and 10: (November 19, 2019, to December 10, 2019)
Below, you can see all of the items you can get from Eververse for the next three weeks. Happy Hunting, Guardians!

These are all of the items that Eververse will have for the upcoming three weeks. Bungie should really consider re-creating the armor sets of Destiny 2 the way they were in Destiny 1. We had Trials of Osiris armor set for each class which is still one of the best armor sets we’ve ever gotten in Destiny franchise to this date.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.