Last year, Bungie released a limited-time event called Solstice of Heroes in Destiny 2. This event came with three-tier armor sets (Scorched, Rekindled and Resplendent) for each character (Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks). Just like last year, Bungie has announced that Solstice of Heroes will make a comeback this year as well with brand new solstice-style armor sets (Drained, Renewed and Majestic) for every character.
This year, Solstice of Heroes brings a brand-new mysterious floating island in EDZ. Take a look at the data-mined image below.

This Solstice of Heroes is a tradition in which Guardians reflect on past hardships and celebrate the resilience of humanity’s foremost defenders.
Pursue limited-time Solstice-themed armor sets
Challenge themselves in combat meditations on a mysterious floating island in the European Dead Zone
Complete Moments of Triumph for glory and lootVisit Eva Levante in the Tower to kick off the celebration
Just like The Revelry and The Dawning, Solstice of Heroes quest-line will kick off through Eva Levante (the granny of Destiny universe).
When does Solstice of Heroes Start
According to the gameplay calendar released by Bungie, Solstice of Heroes will kick off on July 30, 2019, and will stay for a whole month. The event will conclude on August 30, 2019.
Step-by-Step Quest Guide For Solstice Armor
Below you can find every leaked step of the upcoming Solstice of Heroes armor sets. Keep in mind, some of the steps are named Classified.
1. Speak with Eva Levante to Start the Quest
Just visit the Tower, and speak to Eva Levante. Pretty straight-forward.
The Solstice of Heroes is a holiday in which Guardians reflect on past battles and celebrate their many efforts to defend humanity. Eva Levante has returned to help usher in the festivities.
Speak to Eva Levante in the Tower.
2. Classified
This is the only step that has not been revealed in the leaked quest. Guess, we’ll find it out when the event officially goes live.
3. The Solstice Begins
At this point, you’ve most likely to have found first-tier armor set that is drained. Go visit Eva in the Tower.
As you finish your exploration of the Aerial Zone, Ghost receives a message from Eva herself. She’d like to speak to you at your earliest convenience. Visit Eva Levante in the Tower.
4. The Solstice Begins
Just like last year, you need to meditate your armor with Statue of Heroes in the Tower Courtyard.
Eva has suggested you take the drained armor she’s given you and meditate with it at the Statue of Heroes in the Tower courtyard.
5. The Solstice Begins
This is where the actual quest starts – where you need to start jumping into activities and completing several challenges.
Meditating at the statue has infused your new armor with the Light… but its connection to the Traveler could be made stronger. Return to Eva.
6. Solstice of Heroes 2019
To strengthen your armor, you need to complete several given objectives on the armor pieces.
Strengthen your Drained Solstice armor set’s connection to the Light by completing armor objectives.
- Chest Armor
- Hunter: Loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in any activity, and defeat enemies in the European Aerial Zone while equipped with a Solar subclass.
- Titan: Complete adventures, collect Solar orbs in strikes, and defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit.
- Warlock: Complete adventures, collect Arc orbs in the Crucible or Gambit, and unlock Solstice Packages.
- Gauntlets
- Hunter: Complete playlist strikes, collect Solar orbs in Gambit, and unlock Solstice Packages.
- Titan: Loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, complete Solstice of Heroes bounties, and defeat enemies in the European Aerial Zone while equipped with an Arc subclass.
- Warlock: Complete playlist strikes, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in any activity, and defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit.
- Class Item
- Hunter: Complete adventures, collect Arc orbs in any strike, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.
- Titan: Complete playlist strikes, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in any activity, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.
- Warlock: Complete public events on Nessus, complete Solstice of Heroes bounties, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.
- Helmet
- Hunter: Complete runs through the European Aerial Zone, land precision final blows, and defeat Fallen combatants.
- Titan: Complete runs through the European Aerial Zone, land precision final blows, and defeat Hive combatants.
- Warlock: Complete runs through the European Aerial Zone, land precision final blows, and defeat Cabal combatants.
- Leg Armor
- Hunter: Complete public events on Nessus, complete Solstice of Heroes bounties, and defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit.
- Titan: Complete public events on Nessus, collect Void orbs in the Crucible or Gambit, and unlock Solstice Packages.
- Warlock: Loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, collect Solar orbs in strikes, and defeat enemies in the European Aerial Zone while equipped with a Void subclass.
7. Solstice of Heroes 2019
At this point, you’ve completed everything objective that is required to strengthen your Drained set. Return to Statues of Heroes with the armor set equipped.
With your completed Drained Solstice armor set equipped, return to the Statue of Heroes to meditate.
8. Solstice of Heroes 2019
After completing step 7, you’ll get another set of armor (Renewed). Complete the objectives given on the armor piece just like before.
Strengthen your Renewed Solstice armor set’s connection to the Light by completing armor objectives.
- Chest Armor
- Hunter: Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental Orbs using a matching [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] subclass, and defeat enemy combatants with Void grenades.
- Titan: Defeat enemies in strike playlists using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day, loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat Fallen using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day.
- Warlock: Complete Gambit matches, complete daily or weekly challenges, and defeat enemy combatants with Void weapons.
- Gauntlets
- Hunter: Complete Heroic public events, collect Arc orbs in any strike, and defeat Cabal combatants using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day.
- Titan: Complete Heroic public events, complete daily or weekly challenges, and defeat minibosses in the European Aerial Zone.
- Warlock: Complete bounties, collect Elemental Orbs using a matching [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] subclass, and, as a team, defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit using Solar weapons.
- Class Item
- Hunter: Complete patrols in the EDZ, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat minibosses in the European Aerial Zone.
- Titan: Complete patrols on Io, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in the European Aerial Zone and defeat enemy combatants with Solar weapons.
- Warlock: Complete patrols on Titan, loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, and land Arc Super final blows on opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit.
- Helmet
- Hunter: Complete bounties, loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat enemies with Arc-weapons.
- Titan: Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental Orbs using a matching [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] subclass, and, as a team, defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit using Arc-weapons.
- Warlock: Defeat enemies in strike playlists using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat minibosses in the European Aerial Zone.
- Leg Armor
- Hunter: Complete daily or weekly challenges, defeat enemies in strike playlists using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day, and, as a team, defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit using Void weapons.
- Titan: Complete bounties, collect Void orbs in any strike, and defeat enemy combatants with Solar melee attacks.
- Warlock: Complete Heroic public events, collect Solar orbs in any strike, and defeat Hive combatants using a subclass that matches the [Arc Kill] / [Solar Kill] / [Void Kill] Day.
9. Solstice of Heroes 2019
Visit Statue of Heroes once again to get the tier-3 armor set.
With your completed Renewed Solstice armor set equipped, return to the Statue of Heroes to meditate.
10. Solstice of Heroes 2019
Show Eva your fully-restored Majestic Solstice armor set.
After getting the Majestic Armor set, visit Eva Levante once again. This is the final time you’ll going to upgrade your armor to Legendary.
- Chest Armor: Complete the dungeon “Shattered Throne” in the Dreaming City with a fireteam of two players or fewer.
- Gauntlets: Complete playlist strikes with clanmates.
- Class Item: Defeat challenging combatants throughout the system.
- Helmet: Complete a Prestige Nightfall with a score of 200,000 or better.
- Leg Armor: Reset your Season 7 Valor ranking in the Crucible.
This is everything we know so far about the Solstice of Heroes quest steps. Obviously, nothing is officially confirmed. We’ll find out everything on July 30, 2019.