Exotics are the main part of the Destiny universe. They provide some unique and useful perks that enhance the weapon’s damage number or range, etc. There are many exotics in Destiny 2 with new ones being added by Bungie every season. This season (Season of Opulence), we’ve received a total of four exotic weapons, Truth, Bad Juju, Lumina and Tarrabah (raid exotic). Today, we’ll be talking about the Top Ten exotic weapons you can use in Destiny 2.
Top Ten Exotic Weapons in Destiny 2
Without any further waiting, let’s jump into the best exotic weapons rated from worst to best.
10. Wavesplitter

Wavesplitter is still a badass exotic weapon to use both in PvP and PvE. Despite its recent nerfs, this weapon still melts majors in PvE. With slightly good accuracy, you can get a confirmed kill with this weapon in the Crucible.
How to Acquire: You can acquire this weapon from completing Crucible matches, Exotic engrams, and Xur. This weapon is only available to PlayStation 4 players (will be coming to Xbox One and PC with Shadowkeep).
9. Wardcliff Coil

On number nine comes one of the most fun rocket launchers in the game. This weapon is a hell lot of fun in PvP. And as far as PvE is concerned, you can use this weapon to burn down a group of ads in a raid or a strike.
How to Acquire: Can be acquired randomly from completing crucible matches, nightfall strikes.
8. Tractor Cannon

Tractor Cannon is the kind of weapon you can use to boost the damage numbers inside a raid encounter. With its unique perk and suitable weapons combined, players can do some insane DPS to raid bosses. Inside of PvP, this exotic shotgun is like Lucio’s weapon (in Overwatch). kicking enemies off the map is the most fun I’ve had in this game.
How to Acquire: Random World Drops, Powerful Milestones, and Xur.
7. Lord of Wolves

Recently, with the Shotgun buff in Season of Opulence, a lot of under-damaged shotguns were back on track. One of these weapons was Lord of Wolves. This shotgun is probably a killing machine in the Crucible right know. With the ammo capacity and its perk, you don’t run out of special ammo on this weapon.
How to Acquire: Can be obtained from Spider Bounties and Xur’s Fated Engrams
6. Jotunn

Jotunn is considered the twin-brother of the Truth Rocket Launcher. With its ability to track down enemy targets, this shotgun can be annoying sometimes.
How to Acquire: Powerful Bergusia Forge completions
5. Outbreak Perfected

Outbreak Perfected is a returning exotic weapon from Destiny 1. It was (and still is) considered a good exotic to clear out a horde of enemies (Thralls, etc).
How to Acquire: You can acquire this weapon by completing Zero Hour Mission.
4. Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades was added with Forsaken. And since then, it’s on the top 5 most used weapons inside of the Crucible. With its TTK, you can cause wreckage in a Crucible match. Not to mention, this exotic hand cannon can do wonders in PvE as well.
How to Acquire: Complete the pursuit Cayde’s Will to unlock this weapon.
3. Arbalest

This weapon was added with Season of the Drifter. Its main perk is Compounding Force “Fires slugs that cause massive damage to elemental shields of enemy combatants.” This weapon can be used to take down enemy shields.
How to Acquire: Can be acquired from The Revelry, World Drops or Powerful Milestone.
2. Thunderlord

Thunderlord is yet again a returning exotic machine gun from Destiny 1. It’s a really useful weapon in both DPS’ing Raid bosses, clearing out ads or taking down enemy Guardians inside the Crucible.
How to Acquire: Can be obtained by completing Journal of the Reef Cryptarch quest.
1. Bad Juju

It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Bad Juju is on Number 1. It has all the things a player seeks in a weapon. This weapon buffs the damage on kills and provides additional super energy. What more do you want? Like Outbreak Perfected, this weapon is a killing machine inside the Crucible.
How to Acquire: 18 Tributes in the Tribute Hall
These are our list of Top Ten Exotics in Destiny 2 from Worst to Best.