Xur is considered the Santa Claus of Destiny 2. The only difference is, he visits the Guardians every weekend instead of every year. Just like the Santa, Xur brings goodies (Exotics) for the players to grab. In Destiny 2, he stayed from Friday at 10 AM to Sunday 2 AM. But Bungie changed that in Destiny 2. Now, Xur comes in every Friday on reset and goes on weekly reset on Tuesday. So, you have 4 days to visit him and purchase any exotic you desire.
Where is Xur (August 9, 2019)
This weekend, Xur has arrived yet again in Destiny 2. He can be found on Nessus at the Barge.

Xur Exotic Inventory
Just like any other weekend, this week Xur has brought more Exotic weapons and armor for you to grab for the next four days. Below, you can find every exotic armor piece and weapon with perks mentioned:
The Colony: (Heavy Grenade Launcher)
Insectoid Robot Grenades: This weapon’s grenades are insectoid robots that chase targets and explode close to them.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence: (Titan Gauntlets)
- Plasteel Reinforcement Mod – Restorative Mod
- Pulse Rifle Loader – Sidearm Loader – Momentum Transfer
- Sniper Rifle Scavenger – Machine Gun Scavenger
Shards of Galanor: (Hunter Gauntlets)
- Mobility Enhancement Mod – Plasteel Reinforcement Mod
- Bow Reloader – Enhanced Impact Induction – Enhanced Hand Cannon Loader
- Rocket Launcher Scavenger – Sniper Rifle Scavenger
Chromatic Fire: (Warlock Chest Armor)
- Mobility Enhancement Mod – Restorative Mod
- Unflinching Fusion Rifle Aim – Unflinching Hand Cannon Aim – Unflinching Sniper Aim
- Bow Reserves – Special Ammo Finder
These are the items you will find on this week’s Xur Inventory. Make sure you grab them before next weekly reset on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. That Shards of Galanor is a must grab since it has Enhanced Hand Cannon Loader perk.
Cross Save will be going live later this month on August 21, 2019, make sure you visit this link to sign up.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.