Xur, Agent of the Nine is once again in our Solar System. It’s been 5 years since the release of Destiny and we still know little to none about his mysterious character. Talking about Xur’s exotic inventory in Destiny 2, last week, he brought Two-Tailed Fox (Heavy Rocket Launcher), Dunemarchers (Titan Leg Armor), Contraverse Hold (Warlock Gauntlets), and Assassin’s Cowl (Hunter Helmet). Check out his exotic stash for this week below:
Destiny 2: Xur Exotic Vendor (December 27, 2019)
Xur can be found in the Winding Cove on EDZ.

Exotic Inventory
Fighting Lion: (Energy Grenade Launcher)
Delayed Gratification: Grenade projectiles will bounce off surfaces. Hold to fire, and release to detonate.
Thin the Herd: Direct hits do more damage to enemy combatant shields. Rapid kills against grenade-damaged enemies refill the magazine. Kills always drop Primary ammo.

Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves: (Hunter Gauntlets)
Spring-Loaded Mounting: Increases Sidearm ready and reload speed. While you’re critically wounded, swapping to a Sidearm increases its damage.
- Mobility +4
- Resilience +6
- Recovery +16
- Discipline +6
- Intellect +6
- Strength +10

Mk. 44 Stand Asides: (Titan Leg Armor)
Seriously, Watch Out: Grants an overshield when you’re sprinting at full health with Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash equipped. Hits with these abilities recharge a portion of your melee energy.
- Mobility +13
- Resilience +7
- Recovery +6
- Discipline +6
- Intellect +6
- Strength +12

The Stag: (Warlock Helmet)
Dearly Departed: Grants Rift energy when you are critically wounded. On your death, creates a healing rift on your corpse.
- Mobility +6
- Resilience +6
- Recovery +14
- Discipline +6
- Intellect +10
- Strength +6

Currently, Iron Banner is live in Destiny 2 with a new quest line this season. As we know, there’s no new weapon or even a new armor set for this season’s Iron Banner, players are not really happy with the quest being too grindy. Other than that, it seems Trials of Osiris is coming back in Destiny 2. What are your thoughts on his? Let us know in the comments!
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and November 19, 2019, on Google Stadia.