Xur day is back in Destiny 2. This time he has brought one of the best weapons in Destiny 2. As for the last week, we had Riskrunner/Cereberus +1 (Exotic Auto Rifle), Transversive Steps (Warlock Leg Armor), Fr0st-EE5 (Hunter Leg Armor), Eternal Warrior (Titan Helmet). Find out where Xur is the location for this week along with his exotic inventory (with in-depth statistics) below.
Where is Xur (November 15, 2019)
Xur can be found in a Cave in Giant Scar, on Io.
Exotic Inventory
Riskrunner: (Exotic Sub-machine Gun)
Arc Conductor: When taking Arc Damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc Damage. Kills extend the time in this overcharged state.
Superconductor: When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have the chance to become chain lightning and return ammo.
Mask of the Quiet One: (Titan Helmet)
Dreaded Visage: Grants ability energy when you’re damaged. When critically wounded, regain maximum health on kills.
- Mobility +6
- Resilience +8
- Recovery +10
- Discipline +6
- Intellect +6
- Strength +12
Skull of Dire Ahamkara: (Warlock Helmet)
Actual Grandeur: Provides additional damage resistance during Nova Bomb. Nova Bomb kills grant Super energy.
- Mobility +10
- Resilience +3
- Recovery +11
- Discipline +22
- Intellect +2
- Strength +2
Ophidia Spathe: (Hunter Chest Armor)
Scissor Fingers: Grants two knives per charge.
- Mobility +12
- Resilience +6
- Recovery +7
- Discipline +6
- Intellect +2
- Strength +16
If you’re one of those unlucky players who have purchased Riskrunner last week (due to a bug in the system), Riskrunner is back this week too (which is kind of a bummer). Let’s hope Bungie removes this weapon from Xur’s inventory for this week and add another weapon. Xur also has a Legendary Nightfall Card with some Invitation of the Nine (if you haven’t completed them already)
Bungie just announced that they will be nerfing One-Eyed Mask and Recluse in Destiny 2 next season. Read everything you need to know about it here.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.