Destiny 2: Where is Xur – Exotic Vendor (November 15, 2019)

Xur day is back in Destiny 2. This time he has brought one of the best weapons in Destiny 2. As for the last week, we had Riskrunner/Cereberus +1 (Exotic Auto Rifle), Transversive Steps (Warlock Leg Armor), Fr0st-EE5 (Hunter Leg Armor), Eternal Warrior (Titan Helmet). Find out where Xur is the location for this week along with his exotic inventory (with in-depth statistics) below.

Where is Xur (November 15, 2019)

Xur can be found in a Cave in Giant Scar, on Io.

Where Xur Destiny 2

Exotic Inventory

Riskrunner: (Exotic Sub-machine Gun)

Arc Conductor: When taking Arc Damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc Damage. Kills extend the time in this overcharged state.

Superconductor: When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have the chance to become chain lightning and return ammo.

Destiny 2 Xur Exotic Vendor

Mask of the Quiet One: (Titan Helmet)

Dreaded Visage: Grants ability energy when you’re damaged. When critically wounded, regain maximum health on kills.

  • Mobility +6
  • Resilience +8
  • Recovery +10
  • Discipline +6
  • Intellect +6
  • Strength +12
Where Xur Destiny 2

Skull of Dire Ahamkara: (Warlock Helmet)

Actual Grandeur: Provides additional damage resistance during Nova Bomb. Nova Bomb kills grant Super energy.

  • Mobility +10
  • Resilience +3
  • Recovery +11
  • Discipline +22
  • Intellect +2
  • Strength +2
Where Xur Destiny 2

Ophidia Spathe: (Hunter Chest Armor)

Scissor Fingers: Grants two knives per charge.

  • Mobility +12
  • Resilience +6
  • Recovery +7
  • Discipline +6
  • Intellect +2
  • Strength +16
Where Xur Destiny 2

If you’re one of those unlucky players who have purchased Riskrunner last week (due to a bug in the system), Riskrunner is back this week too (which is kind of a bummer). Let’s hope Bungie removes this weapon from Xur’s inventory for this week and add another weapon. Xur also has a Legendary Nightfall Card with some Invitation of the Nine (if you haven’t completed them already)

Bungie just announced that they will be nerfing One-Eyed Mask and Recluse in Destiny 2 next season. Read everything you need to know about it here.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.