Destiny 2’s Latest Crucible Labs Mode is a Scorch Cannon Bonanza

Ever since it was first implemented several months prior, Destiny 2’s experimental Crucible Labs PvP playlist has featured modes that skewed heavily towards the sorts of modes found in the game’s competitive suite, the most recent of which was a retooled version of the Showdown mode. In response to player feedback, Bungie has now implemented a new Crucible Labs mode called Scorched which should feel just a tad more…dynamic.

Crucible Labs is about to get a whole lot more hectic.

According to the latest This Week at Bungie blog post, Scorched has three super-serious, super-complex rules to follow:

  • You spawn with a Scorch Cannon
  • Everyone else spawns with a Scorch Cannon
  • You shoot each other with said Scorch Cannons

Clearly this is just the sort of mode where a well-formed and well-executed strategy can prevail, where the surgical skills of a highly-effective team can….oh who are we kidding? Run in, blast your enemies, hope they don’t blast you back. That’s the name of the game in Scorched.

Scorched will be the final Crucible Labs playlist to be featured before next month’s launch of the Forsaken expansion, and as such Bungie wanted to ensure its gets its proper time in the sun. With that in mind, there will be two different Scorched playlists available, the first of which is actually live right now:

  • Tuesday, 8/21 at 10 a.m. PST (1 p.m. EST): free-for-all
  • Friday, 8/24 at 10 a.m. PST (1 p.m. EST): 6v6 teams

Bungie’s take on designing the new Scorched mode conveys their mindset better than I ever could:

“Our designers were so pre-occupied with whether or not we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.”

As has been the case with previous Crucible Labs playlists, participants will receive the same end-of-match rewards and Valor Rank points that they’d normally earn from the Crucible’s Quickplay mode, so if you’re looking for a fun change of pace from the usual Quickplay fare, be sure to hop in and give Scorched a try.