Destiny 2’s Newest Raid Lair Was Beaten in Just Seven Hours

Last Friday, May 11, Destiny 2 received a new raid lair called Spire of Stars as part of the game’s Warmind expansion which launched on Tuesday, May 8. About seven hours after the raid lair went live, it had been cleared in full, though the journey to complete the new endgame experience certainly wasn’t an easy one.

In total, it took experienced Destiny 2 raiding team clan Redeem 394 minutes (roughly six and a half hours) to finish the full Spire of Stars raid lair, and developer Vicarious Visions (the studio that developed the PC version of Destiny 2 and the Warmind DLC) managed to capture the final moments on Twitter:

This isn’t the first time Redeem has managed to take the world first mantle for a Destiny raid. Redeem also claimed world first for the prestige version of Destiny 2’s Leviathan raid, and back in 2016 they also secured world first for the Wrath of the Machine raid included in the original Destiny’s Rise of Iron DLC.

Reports indicate that Spire of Stars is quite hard, as any Destiny raid should be, but the biggest hurdle that raiding teams had to overcome wasn’t the specific mechanics of the raid’s boss encounters. Instead, trying to scrounge up the necessary gear to reach the raid lair’s recommended power level of 370 was the biggest struggle many players faced.

For the Warmind DLC, Bungie and Vicarious Visions purposefully made it harder for players to grind through power levels, so getting up to 370 power in time for the new raid lair’s launch required some serious effort (for reference, most players are only around 340-345 power when they finish Warmind’s story campaign).

Fans theorize that Spire of Stars won’t be as hard in the coming weeks as players continue to up their power levels and learn the raid lair’s mechanics, though only time will tell if that ends up being the case. If you want to give Spire of Stars a try, you can do so now as long as you own Destiny 2’s Warmind DLC.