DICE Launches Battlefield 5 “Operation Sunrise” Community Broadcast

In a move that both acknowledges the troubled launch of Battlefield 5 and seeks to extend an olive branch to the game’s community, DICE is launching a new community initiative known as “Operation Sunrise”. The initiative will feature a series of Community Broadcasts with the goal of improving communication between the studio and the game’s fans. The first of these broadcasts was recently published on Reddit, announcing the initiative and laying out what it will include.

What is “Operation Sunrise”: DICE’s Latest Battlefield 5 Community Initiative

“Community Broadcast 001” was recently posted on Reddit by Battlefield 5’s Global Community Engagement Manager. To begin with, the broadcast discusses the launch of Battlefield 5, and admits to a number of its problems. “The launch of BFV did not go as smoothly as we had hoped,” says DICE; “you were missing experiences you expected, some areas of the game were not what you anticipated from us, and our day to day transparency from Reveal to Today was inconsistent and could have been better.

New Battlefield 5 Community Initiative Operation Sunrise

Acknowledging this; it seems that Operation Sunrise is an attempt at improving relations with the community at large. DICE will be publishing regular Community Broadcasts; “We want to share with you what we have been working on,” they explain; “take you behind the curtain of the team. We also want to tackle the topics that are most important to you.”

DICE then invites fans to let them know about any topics they want the studio to cover, in order to build a two-day dialogue. In addition to launching Operation Sunrise, DICE will also be bringing back their Dev Talks video series and Dev Twitter takeovers. They will also run several studio live streams. The recently started monthly surveys will also be continuing, of course.

According to the studio, Operation Sunrise is something which they see as “vital” for the growth of the game and its community, due to the evolving nature of Battlefield 5. “When you hear the phrase ‘Live Service’ people see evolving game experiences,” explains DICE; “new systems, new content, new ways to play. But to us, that is only one side. In order to grow in the right direction, we need active channels of communication with our players. And this is the focus of Operation Sunrise.”