Battlefield 5 Chapter 6 isn’t far from its end, and with only one more update on the way for Battlefield 5, fans don’t have too much content left to look forward to. As one of their final new releases of the current Tides of War chapter, DICE has released a character trailer for Steve Fisher; the third and final Battlefield 5 Elite of Chapter 6.
Battlefield 5 Elites: Steve Fisher
Historically, DICE has released two Battlefield 5 Elites with each new Chapter of Tides of War; one for the Allies and one for the Axis forces. In Chapter 6, the studio changed things somewhat. Not only did they plan to release a third new Elite, but they chose to release one as a Chapter Reward. (As opposed to solely making them available through store-bought cosmetic bundles.) Misaki Yamashiro was the first Elite to launch during this Chapter, and was available to unlock at Chapter Rank 40.
Steve Fisher will be the third Battlefield 5 Elite to launch during Chapter 6, following on from the release of Akira Sakamoto. Fisher, as you would guess from his name, will be available for the Allied forces. “Steve is a fearless pilot who’s always two steps ahead of the enemy in any situation,” writes DICE; “He also has a habit of finding himself in underdog situations, where his trusty trench knife often comes in handy.”

Fisher will be available to purchase in the Battlefield 5 store on the 12th of May; at the start of next week. Unfortunately for DICE, the new character trailer has attracted a very negative reaction from fans on YouTube. As Elites are only available via micro-transactions, they have never been particularly popular among players. However, it’s likely that many players are also unhappy about the recent announcement that Battlefield 5’s next update will be its last. (It’s worth noting that Battlefield 5 has been subject to a great deal of ill will from gamers online for a variety of reasons, both justified and not, ever since launch.)