The Different Types of Futuristic Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

Thus far, fans have only seen one demonstration of Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, although it did show off a lot of the different possible styles of gameplay. One key feature of that demo were the different types of high-tech Cyberpunk 2077 weaponry; the differences between standard firearms and ‘smart’ guns, along with melee weapons like the Mantis Blades. Speaking in a recent interview, the game’s Lead Cinematic Animator described the different types of weapons that players will have access to.

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons Include Smart Guns

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons: Smart Guns, Bullet Ricochet, and High-Tech Katanas

Maciej Pietras, the Lead Cinematic Animator for Cyberpunk 2077, spoke with the French publication JeuxActu about the upcoming game. During the discussion, he spoke at length about the Cyberpunk 2077 weapons which appear in the gameplay demo. More specifically, he mentions how they will encourage different styles of play.

“In the demo,” he explains; “you could see several types of weapons and different combat systems. All this is related to the class of the character you will create, according to the skills you will improve. There will indeed be advantages to using this or that weapon, depending on how you level up your character. You will have the choice between technological weapons, powerful weapons, and intelligent weapons, and each of them will allow you to approach the game in several different ways.”

Thus far, fans haven’t seen much of the game’s class and skill system. At one stage, the demo does transition between a low-level character and a higher-level version. However, the exact upgrades and skill trees aren’t shown. Although Pietras does refer to ‘class’ here, players won’t choose a specific class at the start of the game. Cyberpunk 2077 won’t feature pre-determined classes, and will instead feature an open skill system more akin to that of Skyrim. As such, players will be able to create their own personal class through their skill choices as they level up.

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons Are Divided into Categories

The Differences Between the Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons Categories

“Powerful weapons have a boost that allows weapons to ricochet against the walls and thus reach enemies hidden behind walls,” Pietras goes on to explain; “Smart weapons take advantage of an autolock that can target an enemy with homing bullets. As for the melee weapons, you could see the Mantis Blades in the demo. These are incredible weapons, which are attached to the body of the character and allow them to climb on the walls, but also to kill enemies in hand-to-hand. There is also another weapon, the katana, that we did not show in the demo but is interesting.”

Although fans have yet to see the katana that Pietras mentions, it did appear in one of the game’s private gameplay screenings. This katana apparently made use of magnetic fields to deflect incoming bullets. Unfortunately, it’s unknown when CD Projekt Red might next show Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay. As such, fans may have to wait a while before they get to see any of the other weapons which are still under wraps.