Doom Eternal: Enemies We Would Like To See Return

The Doom Eternal announcement at E3 2018 was followed by a teaser trailer, which revealed some of the enemies we will have to deal with when the game is released. Apart from those, there are some other demons and monsters we would like to see returning in Doom Eternal. Here are some of them that we miss and would love to encounter again.

Doom 2016 had a special multiplayer-only demon called Harvester that appeared only in the “Unto The Evil” DLC pack but was cool to play against. It would be interesting if he made a comeback in Doom Eternal along with his beautiful yet deadly beam attack that drains the life out of you. Was it not fun when you were being wiped out because despite being very powerful as an experienced player, his ability was more so?

Another Doom multiplayer-only demon that was even uglier than the Harvester demon mentioned above, but had a beautiful jaw split in half that made him look hot as Hell, was Prowler. Imagine this guy updated with better graphics and brought to earth to brighten it up. For those of you who do not remember, that thing was far from harmless, making great leaps or clinging to any surface and smashing your head into a nearby surface if he managed to make contact with you while leaping. It would be awesome to fight against him in Doom Eternal.

As always, I have left my favorite spiders for the end, since Doom 3’s spider-head Trites were so lovely I will never forget them. Despite the sarcasm there, spiders were always a thing in most of the Doom video games one way or the other, and while we have already seen some kind of Arachnotrons teased in the trailer, it would not be a stretch to ask for some Trites, too. Trites were small and very fast, and they were scaring the life out of me every time I heard their screams from behind me. It would be interesting to have them back in this scary place they call “Hell on Earth.”