Following the release of Lego DC Super Villains last October, we’re getting a new Lego Star Wars game that’ll mix things up. After watching a 15-20 minute presentation, it’s safe to say that this is the most ambitious Lego game developer TT Games has put out yet. Additionally, I got the chance to interview Anna Bailey, a design manager a TT Games.
Back to a Galaxy Far Far Away…
The demo takes place in Tatooine during Return of the Jedi. Along the way, a star destroyer made its way to us which introduces the new feature of random ship encounters. While on Tatooine, we start as Luke Skywalker, one of over 200 playable characters to choose from, as we walk around the world. Every lego object is able to be manipulated by the force and the demo showed off Luke throwing different objects in the air, including C3PO into a Sarlacc pit.

This new Lego game features all nine Star Wars movies (including The Rise of Skywalker) and players can play them in any order they’d like. Additionally, each movie has a plethora of planets to explore. The demo emphasized the amount of detail within each aspect of the game. Every Lego item was recreated in meticulous detail and recreated for this new version of the Lego Star War games.
Overall, the level of detail and passion put into this Star Wars collection is evident. As someone who loves the Lego games, this is easily one of my most anticipated games of 2020. With its massive roster of characters, planets to explore, and films to revisit, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will easily consume my time when it launches in early 2020.
VGR Interview with Anna Bailey
What has it been like to adapt The Rise of Skywalker?
“We work really closely with Lucasfilm and we have an incredibly professional relationship so we’ve just been working with them to make the most authentic Star Wars game we can.”
Do Star Destroyers or other ships randomly appear while going from planet to planet?
“So it depends on what timeline you’re on as to which turn up out of nowhere and we chuck out these smaller ships so there’s all that to do. We also have bounty hunters that take you across the whole galaxy as well so there’s plenty to do and see in space.
With over 200 characters in The Skywalker Saga, what are some of the most obscure or fun characters to play as?
“The fun one is C3PO as he splits apart and he’s also quite funny. We also got some cover shooting in it as well and when you break over the cover shooting he does a little rollover and the animation is absolutely incredible. I can’t think of any obscure ones off the top of my head but there will be plenty as always with the fan service. There will be lots to unlock and lots to see.”
How long does it take to develop a Lego game?
“It really depends. This one has been in pre-production from the original idea for probably about two years. The game director has been on it for ages and the rest of the team for quite awhile now. We’ve just been so excited to actually finally show some and the world can see what they’ve been working on.”
What’s been the most challenging part of making a Lego game?
“I wouldn’t say challenging but I think everyone loves the research part and making sure all the bases are covered for everyone and all the fan service everyone knows and loves. Digging into that and getting those amazing quests and puzzles and making it really authentic. It’s not much of as a challenge but more something more that people love and completely immerse themselves in.”
What are some of the new features that make it fresh for the players and the team at TT Games?
“The new features are things like the combat meter so you have more control and string together attacks as you wish or button mash if that’s what you want to do as well. Being able to fight in the way you do and over the shoulder shooting as well; that’s completely new and we’ve never done before. You have more control and power to kind of play the game and have a lot more freedom to play as you want to essentially.”
How do you choose what IP to adapt in Lego form?
“I suppose we just kinda work with the best people out there so we’re always kinda working with the best IP holders always. Just trying to get the next big thing and obviously Star Wars was completely the right thing for us that we know and love and the team really enjoys working on. It just made complete sense to kind of redo this all now that the final film is coming out and it’s just a chance to put all that together in the best way possible.”
Did you redesign any elements of the previously released Lego Star Wars games?
“Everything has been completely redesigned. Everyone has gone back through every single one of those films and picked out all the kind of key points so we you can play those classic moments that everyone knows, loves, and wants to do. That’s been amazing as well.”
Are there any other IPs that you’d like to adapt as a Lego game?
“Not that I can think of right now. Obviously, we’re just completely focused on making Star Wars right now and making that the most authentic game we can. The blinkers are on that at the moment.”
Like other Lego games, are there plans for any post-launch content or season pass?
“More than likely but we have no official plans rolled out as of yet. We’re not talking too much about that.”
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga launches on all major platforms in early 2020. For more E3 coverage and gaming news, including our previews for Cyberpunk 2077 and Final Fantasy VII Remake, stay tuned to