Throughout this week, Bethesda has been celebrating the 25th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, and there has been no shortage of news. It seems every branch of Bethesda which deals with the franchise has something new to announce, and today it was the turn of Sparkypants Studios. A new trailer was released earlier today to announce The Elder Scrolls: Legends Alliance War; an upcoming expansion for the Elder Scrolls card game.
The Next Elder Scrolls: Legends Expansion Introduces the Alliance War
“The battle for the Ruby Throne begins in the latest card expansion for TESLegends!” reads the trailer’s video description; “Fight alongside five different factions vying for power across the Empire.”
The Elder Scrolls: Legends Alliance War expansion is the next major card expansion for the Elder Scrolls card game. It is due to launch on the 15th of April, in just a few weeks’ time.
The expansion takes a somewhat similar form to the recently released Gwent: Crimson Curse expansion. It will add over 100 new cards to the game, and also brings a new storyline themed around Tamriel’s infamous five-sided Alliance War. “Fight alongside five different factions vying for power across the Empire,” says the studio; “each represented by a new three-attribute combination and their own unique mechanic. Will you ally with the Aldmeri Dominion, who empower their abilities through relentless attacks? Or perhaps the Daggerfall Covenant, capable of mobilising heavily armed recruits at a moment’s notice? The decision is yours…”
The new expansion will also bring a new playmat, in addition to a variety of new visual effects. The card expansion is available to pre-order from today for $49.99, ahead of its release date in April. Indeed, fans who pre-order will get 50 card packs plus a premium Legendary Card from among the new cards in Alliance War. They will also get a premium card back and the new “Warmonger” title.