Bethesda Offers Elder Scrolls Online Players 100,000 Gold and New Daily Rewards

Bethesda has announced a series of new Elder Scrolls Online daily rewards for the month of September, including one notable new boon. Daily rewards were added to the game in its 18th update, but the way they work is going to change during September. Namely, players will be able to claim a huge 100,000 Gold.

Elder Scrolls Online Daily Rewards for September

Bethesda announced the change in a recent update on the game’s website. Ever since they were added to The Elder Scrolls Online, daily rewards have let players gain new Crown Crates, consumables, and other items. However, players who log into the game during September will also be able to claim a major boon; 100,000 gold, to be precise. This boon is larger than any single amount ever paid in The Elder Scrolls Online. No in-game activity has ever allowed players to acquire so much currency in one go. (With the obvious exception of Guild Trader sales.) However, there is a catch to receiving the bounty; players must log into The Elder Scrolls Online for 28 of September’s 30 days.

The Upcoming Elder Scrolls Online Daily Rewards Will Let Players Claim the Skald's Damask Jerkin

Bethesda has several other daily rewards coming in September. On Day 21, the daily reward will grant players a new costume called the Skald’s Damask Jerkin; a costume associated with the royalty of the city of Riften. In addition, there will be two Wild Hunt Crown Crates available on Day 7, and on Day 14 players can gain three 150% XP Scrolls. All told, September’s daily rewards will have more to offer than in any previous month.

Claiming Rewards

Bethesda also posted a reminder to players on how to claim their reward items; “You must login and claim the prerequisite amount of days, first. When you log into The Elder Scrolls Online, you’ll see your available item waiting to be claimed in the announcement panel. You can claim it right there or when you log out. You can also navigate to the “Daily Rewards” section of the Crown Store to claim your items, view future rewards, and see how many days are left before it resets. In order to be eligible for future rewards, you must claim your currently available daily item. If you do not claim a daily reward, the month’s rewards will not progress.”