New Fallout 4 Mod Adds an In-Depth Mission Generator

One complaint often levelled at Fallout 4 concerns the game’s use of ‘radiant quests’; essentially, repeatable random quests with very minimal story elements and story content. However, these quests might not have earned such criticism were they simply more varied or complex, and a new Fallout 4 mod provides something akin to that; the Missions Committee mod adds an in-depth mission generator which features faction-based random missions from a variety of detailed templates.

Missions Committee: A Fallout 4 Mod Mission Generator

Missions Committee was released earlier in February on NexusMods by modder Sorrywerefull. Described simply, Missions Committee; “is a unique mission generator that puts the player into uncommon situations”. In more detail, the mod features a customisable mission generator which lets players request missions directly via a holotape, or have them occur in game. The mod also allows players to choose from eight different factions to fight for. This list includes the base game’s Minutemen, Railroad, Brotherhood of Steel, and Institute, but also includes Freelancer, Operators, Disciples, and The Pack. Players can even create their own custom faction if they wish.

Fallou 4 Mod Missions Committee

The mission generator creates missions from several templates. These include:

  • Artillery Destruction: With these missions, you’ll need to destroy a marked artillery gun.
  • Defence: Here, you need to create a distraction by serving as bait for an enemy force.
  • Rescue: You must rescue a marked hostage from enemy capture.
  • Target Elimination: These missions require you to seek out and kill a specific target.

Additionally, there are three forms of ‘Capture’ mission. In each of these missions, you’ll capture an area. This is a permanent change, and that area will subsequently spawn allied faction members. It’s possible for enemies to recapture these areas, however.

  • Recon Capture: With this, you need to travel to a marked area, eliminate enemies in the area, and then await allies.
  • Large Battle Capture: These missions require you to attack and capture an area with significant resistance; so much so that you’ll be fighting alongside allies from your faction.
  • Small Skirmish Capture: Similar to Large Battle Capture, these missions are on a smaller scale.