Fallout 76 Around Appalachia Showcases the Ruins of West Virginia

Today, Bethesda released their latest showcase for Fallout 76 Around Appalachia, an ongoing photo competition for their latest game. The competition, which takes place periodically through social media, highlights the best screenshots which players can capture as they explore Fallout 76, making keen use of the Fallout 76 Photo Mode. The latest set of competition winners include pictures which highlight the ruination, nukes, and rad-storms of West Virginia.

Fallout 76 Photo Mode Celebrated in ‘Around Appalachia’

“Get your cameras ready,” says Bethesda, in a post announcing the latest winners of Around Appalachia; “it’s time for another round of shots from Around Appalachia! Our players take some incredible in-game shots, and every other week we like to share our favourites with you!”

Fallout 76 Photo Mode Around Appalachia Competition

This week’s winners come courtesy of @PPPie, @DeathBunniesDeacon, @Gknonx80, @Absinthe030368, @Krzystof, @TheDivineBunny, @Babagra, and @TheAncientGamer. The eight screenshots are displayed in a gallery on Bethesda’s official website. Fallout 76 certainly has no shortage of ruination to photograph. However, this week’s selection seems to focus on it in particular. From TheAncientGamer’s imposing photo of the Mothman statue in a lightning-filled rad-storm, to PPPie’s nuclear blast; destruction and its aftermath reign supreme.

Bethesda will be releasing another showcase of screenshots in two weeks’ time. If fans want to get their screenshots in the next showcase, they need to post them on either the official forums, the /r/fo76 subreddit, or simply on social media while using the #Fallout76 hashtag. Given that Bethesda just released the first content pack of Wild Appalachia, it seems likely that we might see some of that new content highlighted in the next set of Around Appalachia screenshots. The Fallout 76 Photo Mode is due for an upgrade too, with a new in-game Camera coming on the 9th of April. No doubt the many budding in-game photographers will be able to put this new item to good use.