Fallout 76 Player Achieves Flight by Exploiting Perks and Mutations

In the latest instance of a player finding some exploit or other in Fallout 76, a player has actually managed to gain the ability to fly. What’s most impressive about this is that they did so without hacking or using a glitch. In fact, all the player did was exploit the combination of some of the Fallout 76 Perk Cards and Mutations!

How One Player Used Fallout 76 Perk Cards and Mutations to Fly

Fallout 76 has plenty of differences to previous Fallout and Elder Scrolls games. However, one notable difference is the lack of console commands. For many PC players, these console commands were a way around a variety of problems, and one of the most commonly used commands was one which disabled collision for the player. This allowed players to effectively walk into the sky and through walls. Without this command, players cannot fly in Fallout 76. Or actually, it turns out that they can, but through a complex method only accessible to higher-level players.

The exploit was discovered by YouTuber TYR, who posted a video showcasing it and how he did it. Effectively, TYR is combining two things in Fallout 76; a particular Perk Card, and two of the game’s Mutations. The two Mutations in question are Bird Bones and Marsupial. Bird Bones penalises your Strength SPECIAL stat but reduces the speed at which you fall to the ground. Meanwhile, Marsupial reduces your Intelligence but boosts the height of your jumping. These alone don’t give you the ability to fly, however.

Where the exploit comes into play is with the Strange in Numbers Perk Card. This card increases the effectiveness of your Mutations if other players in your party are also mutated. Moreover, if everybody has Strange in Numbers equipped, the effectiveness of all four cards actually stacks. With all of these combined, players can effectively jump into and then glide through the air, falling incredibly slowly.