Fallout 76: Around Appalachia – Bethesda’s Favourite Fan Photos

Although Fallout 76′s launch was troubled, to say the least, and there are still elements of concern for many players, one feature which has seen near-universal approval is the Fallout 76 Photo Mode. Photo Modes have become increasingly common in games over the last year; the Fallout 76 one gives players a wide variety of picture and filter options. Indeed, players have been using it to take a lot of impressive screenshots since launch. Every month or so, Bethesda has been running a series called Around Appalachia, which showcases the best recent photos taken by Fallout 76 players.

Fallout 76 Photo Mode Around Appalachia March 3

Fallout 76 Photo Mode – Bethesda’s March Showcase for Around Appalachia

For the March showcase of Around Appalachia, Bethesda has compiled six of the best photos submitted by fans; “Since our first installment of Around Appalachia,” says Bethesda; “we’ve seen a great response from players sharing their favorite Photomode images with us. Thank you for sharing your epic in-game moments. It was incredibly difficult to narrow down to today’s edition, but alas, these ended up being the favorites amongst the team.”

Fallout 76 players can submit their own photos for the next issue of Around Appalachia by sharing the photos on Twitter or Instagram; just be sure to include the #Fallout76 hashtag. Entrants can also post photos on the Fallout 76 subreddit, or the game’s official forums. This month’s showcase includes photo submissions from the following six fans; @kittles3339, @zerofoxfk, @syscrusher, @m31010, @rentable, and @whiskyjonny.

Fallout 76 Photo Mode Around Appalachia March

Fallout 76 players should have plenty of opportunities to find subjects for their photos between now and the next Around Appalachia, due to the upcoming launch of the Wild Appalachia DLC. The first content pack for Wild Appalachia will launch on March 12th, with more content coming each week after. The new brewing and distilling mechanics are one of the first new features, while the Fasnacht Parade event will start on March 19th. March 26th will see the launch of Survival Mode. Photo Mode fans may also get some new features to use in early April; Bethesda will reportedly be adding some sort of Camera item to the game at that point.