Latest Fallout Miami Mod Update Reveals Reputation Mechanics

For gamers looking to get more out of older Fallout titles, there exists no shortage of options. The Fallout modding community is among the largest, with numerous major mod projects in the works. Fallout Miami is one such project; a huge mod for Fallout 4 which brings an entirely new area, story, content, and even gameplay mechanics. In the project’s latest update, some of that upcoming content was revealed for the first time.

The Fallout Miami Mod February Update Reveals New Features and More

Set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of Miami, the Fallout Miami mod may use Fallout 4 as its base, but the modders seem to be taking more cues from Fallout New Vegas. (A game which has all manner of mods of its own.) First up in the Fallout Miami February 2019 update is a snippet of the game’s original soundtrack; a track titled ‘Dreamer’s Delight’ by George M. Like some of the larger mods around, Fallout Miami will feature its own soundtrack.

After briefly delving into the backstory of one of the mod’s factions and their base of operations, the video turns to the reveal of a new gameplay feature; Reputation Mechanics. “As you know,” says the narrator; “the vacation wasteland plays host to many different factions, each with its own identity, goals, and relationships to other groups. Fallout Miami will feature a faction reputation system similar to the one seen in Fallout New Vegas.”

Fallout Miami Faction Icons

The new system will feature faction icons, although it won’t be quite as deep as the New Vegas system; “Our version of the faction reputation system will be slightly less involved than the one in New Vegas,” they explain; “while we are committed to making an experience that is as deep and interactive as possible, the smaller size and tighter scope of Fallout Miami means that things won’t get as wildly divergent. Don’t worry though, your actions will still affect your standing with the different factions, opening or closing opportunities and affecting your own particular ending.”