Fortnite Brings Shopping Carts Back Yet Again

Another day, another shopping cart mystery. It looks like Epic Games has brought back Fortnite’s shopping carts yet again for what will hopefully be the last time. We’re seeing a whole lot of adding, then removing the vehicles in the game, and the last time they made their appearance in the game, they were swiftly removed and had remained that way over the last week.

Now it looks like they’re back, as Epic Games has shared on the official Fortnite Twitter account, and you can use them for the time being, at least until it’s determined that they should no longer be a part of the game. That could happen at any moment, so make sure you get your shopping cart jollies in before someone breaks the system again and has them removed.

It’s likely Epic Games has been hard at work learning how to best implement the first vehicle into the game, and preventing players from wrecking the environment as a result. They were previously trying to use the shopping cart to get underneath the map, and accomplish things that normal play shouldn’t normally let you do. But they were also using the carts for fun and reasonable things as well, like pushing others around in one and zooming around the map.

Fortnite Cart Fun

If you like zipping to and fro in Fortnite in the confines of your steel “tank” of carts, make sure you relish it. There’s been nothing said on the matter regarding when or how they might be yanked offline for maintenance again, but when it comes to games that are ever-changing like this one, it’s a good idea to get on board while you can, especially since Epic Games may decide it wants to up and remove this beloved feature once more — either because they’re fickle or out of necessity.