Fortnite Waiting in Queue Issue: How to Fix Fortnite Queue

There is so much to do right now in Fortnite Battle Royale like completing 14 Days of Fortnite challenges including the goose eggs one. However, you might have trouble trying to do those things right now. That’s because there is a Fortnite Waiting in Queue issue that players are dealing with as you read this. This is a widespread issue and you aren’t the only one.

Players across the world and across all platforms are dealing with the Fortnite Waiting in Queue issue. It is a problem that, unfortunately, results in you having to wait in order to get into a match. For some players, they are even having to wait in a queue just to log into the game itself. Here’s what we know about this issue and what you can do.

Can You Fix Fortnite Waiting in Queue Error?

Fortnite Waiting in Queue

Let’s start by explaining what exactly is happening right now with this queue issue. Players across the world are trying to log into the game or play a match and are having to wait. Basically, there are so many players ahead of you that are also trying the same thing. You are having to wait in a virtual line of sorts to get “into” the virtual Battle Royale match.

What sucks about this is that some players are encountering thousands of other players ahead of them. In addition, this results in having to deal with theĀ Fortnite Waiting in Queue for several minutes. It is frustrating and annoying, to say the least. The reason behind this is rather simple.

It is a busy time of year as Christmas was just yesterday. There are so many people in the world who just got new consoles and systems to play Fortnite on. Also, the winter events are causing lots of players to come back to the game. This means that there are so many players online right now that you have to wait for the game to let you in. Epic Games has already acknowledged the issue so sit tight and wait patiently.